Will Sedation Dentistry Help You Manage Anxiety?

You probably heard “sedation dentistry” or “sedation dental care.” If you look through this and search, you will think, “just what is that?” Many of us think of having clean teeth. Sometimes, the thought of visiting the dentist makes some people anxious and fearful. This is because you might have a painful and bad experience. Some of you might even drop out as you have difficulty sitting still, which becomes unbearable. This is one of the many reasons cited for skipping dental appointments.

You must think you are alone, suffering from a dental problem. No! Many people go through one or another dental problem but are phobic about going to the dentist. Oral sedation dentistry in Oxnard may help you to overcome your fears. 

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a method of using medication to help patients relax during ongoing dental procedures. It is sometimes called” sleep dentistry,” which is not entirely accurate as patients are awake except those under general anesthesia.

Let’s Explore The Different Types Of  Sedation Dentistry!


  • Inhaled Minimal Sedation: 

You may be asked to breathe nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) combined with oxygen through a mask placed over your nose. This gas would help you relax. This is the only sedation where you can drive safely back to your home.

  • Deep Sedation And General Anesthesia: 

In this method, your dentist will give you medication that makes you unconscious or deeply asleep during the procedure. Under general anesthesia, you can not quickly be awakened until the effect of anesthesia is reversed with medication.

  • IV Moderate Sedation: 

You may receive a sedative drug through a vein under this type of sedation. The drug works more quickly and allows the dentist to adjust the levels of sedation.

  • Oral Sedation: 

Oral sedation dose can range from minimal to moderate, depending on the total dose. Moderate sedation consists of a larger dose. You will be offered a pill for the minimal procedure that makes you tired, but you will still be awake. 

Let’s Move To Know How Safe Sedation Dentistry Is!

There are few risks in getting anesthesia, but it is usually safe when given by experienced dentists. However, people who have obese or obstructive sleep apnea should talk to their dentist before having sedation.

Before giving sedation to the patient, the dentist will examine the following things:

  • Before the procedure, your dentist checks your medical history. Examine you for sedation and ask about any medication you’re currently taking. 
  • You should also receive a written detailing the risks of treatment.
  • A dentist should also have artificial ventilation and drugs that reverse the effects of sedation in case of need. 

In a nutshell, your dentist needs to be trained and qualified to administer the sedation type you will receive. Sedatives can include anti-anxiety medications, nitrous oxide, and depressants, all administered in ways by an experienced professional for an effective solution to combat this common phobia. The dentist may use sedation from simple teeth cleaning to missing teeth replacement in Oxnard and mild to severe cases. So, find a reliable dentist and get the best possible treatment!

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